Today’s couple decided to marry in Chania, Crete and dreamed of having a natural wedding style that fit with the gorgeous outdoor setting… just perfectly. The decoration was full of natural elements such as olive branches, lemons, lavender and roses in white and pale pink. After the ceremony, the couple and the guests celebrated the wedding in an outdoor venue full of olive trees and with warm, atmospheric lighting. Go ahead and get lost in these daydream images!
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
“For the holidays in 2012 he went to Guatemala to visit his mother that just had moved there. The Greek community in Guatemala is tiny, and my family and house had always been a meeting point for Greeks in Guatemala, so we met and spend Christmas together”, the bride shared with us.
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
“He proposed a couple of days after he came back from a trip in Greece, since we have family in many countries they would all have to travel one way or another, and the only country where we both have family is in Greece. Besides is hard to visit Chania and not fall completely in love with the city and the people, we wanted to share this magic with the people we love.”
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
“The ceremony took place in Agios Giorgos Alikianos. Our family is spread all around the world, so where ever we decided to get married some part of the family would have to travel. When we got engaged he just had return from a trip in Greece and Crete, and since Greece is the only place where we both have family we decided to get married there.”
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
“More or less the same of the decoration: Olive oil branches, greenery, white and pale pink roses, lavender and of course lemon. What was more important in my bouquet were some special symbols I added, a medal of Loretto Virgen, my grandfather ‘s ring, and a picture of our dog that was the one that made us a family.”
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
“The best moment of our wedding was when I got to the ceremony, saw the place absolutely amazing, all our family and friends that had to travel long distances for us, and then Rafael waiting for me…”
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
“When we got engaged we where living in Montevideo, while my family is in Guatemala. So we had little opportunity to share the planning experience together. My aunt that lives in Washington DC invited my mother and me to buy my wedding dress there with her. My father, grandmother, cousin (that is like my sister) and her husband join the trip. We had an amazing family time!”
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
“We are Greeks, so for our wedding decoration we used a lot of olive oil, and I consume huge amounts of lemon, so we mix it and we had our “Ladolemono” theme! On the other hand, Manousakis Winery is amazing, so we wanted to maintain its beauty with natural elements.”
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
“Chania is amazing, and we wanted to maintain its natural beauty, for this reason we wanted all-natural elements of the area: olive branches, lemon and lavender. On the other hand, we wanted to represent where we come from, since we where on Crete, we wanted something from Guatemala, Uruguay and Mytilini.”
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
“Wedding planner was crucial! When we got engaged we were living in Montevideo, just 3 months before the wedding we decided to settle in Paris, the only ones capable to keep us track and organize an amazing wedding was Crete for Love. The day of the wedding we enjoyed! We had fun with our guests that traveled to be with us.”
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
“My advice to the brides: Organize your self! There is too much information, ideas, plus everyone’s opinion. Look what is really important for you and start from there, choose your battles.”
Photography : Andreas Markakis Photography
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