Photography by : Pahountis Photography
If you are planning on inviting children at your wedding or as I like to call them “little wedding guests”, it is best to be prepared! Believe it or not, children at weddings could be the most demanding and hardest to deal with guests! We asked wedding planner Helena from RockPaperScissors to share with us a few tips on how to entertain children at a wedding! Take it away Helena!
Photography by : Pahountis Photography
Photography by : Pahountis Photography
“When your wedding guest list includes more than 10 children then it is best to really consider planning ahead for this little group. Children do not show interest in details that other guests might focus on such as the wedding cake, the art de la table or the song that the couple is dancing to for the first time as husband and wife”.
“Following are a few ideas and tips on how to entertain your “little guests” and at the same time keep the parents happy! Paying attention to such details ahead of time you will avoid having overtired and cranky children and parents that are in a rush to leave…”
Photography by : Pahountis Photography
Photography by : Pahountis Photography
Consider hiring professional help to entertain the children at your wedding
“A three hour program by professional children entertainer such as clowns, caricature artists or a magician may cost you a little more, however the parents will really appreciate every minute!”
Photography by : Pahountis Photography
Have the children’s meals at the wedding reception served in a fun way!
“Children LOVE individual packaging so try not to forget to incorporate paper bags and cute lunchboxes when serving their meals. Don’t forget the colorful beverages!”
Photography by : Pahountis Photography
Photography by : Pahountis Photography
Photography by : Pahountis Photography
Incorporate smart & healthy snacks
“Create a special buffet area just for the children that will serve healthy snacks such as yogurt for kids, fresh fruit cut in funny shapes and sizes, even milk and cookies”.
Photography by : Pahountis Photography
Photography by : Pahountis Photography
Create their own special area
“In order for the children to feel comfortable create ther own little space with little furniture made for kids”.
Photography by : Pahountis Photography
Photography by : Pahountis Photography
Entertain the children with lots of toys
“Set up the children’s special designated area with numerous toys for all ages … Little tents always seems to excite children!”
Photography by : Pahountis Photography
Thank you Helena for your tips on how to entertain children at a wedding!
If you haven’t decided yet if you are having children on your wedding guest list… remember that children at a wedding can also be so much fun… they can say and do things that are incredibly adorable. Besides, you just might discover your own little disco king on the dance floor!
Plan ahead for the childrens’ activities and entertainment and everything will turn our perfect!
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