“Surprise! We are getting married today!”
Everyone in this surprise wedding knew that George is getting married on Sunday… Everyone except him! As crazy and mind blowing as it sounds this a true story of a real wedding where the bride planned a surprise wedding for her fiancé (yes the groom did not expect anything!) This courageous bride with the help of her friends and relatives planned the entire wedding and surprised the hell out of the groom!
Don’t miss this amazing surprise wedding captured by C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
You may hear about weddings where the couple surprises family and friends or about weddings where the bride has planned some sort of surprise for the groom during the ceremony… but you almost NEVER hear about a wedding that was COMPLETELY planned months in advance by the bride without the groom suspecting anything! How did Eleni, the amazing bride behind all this, successfully pulled off the most amazing surprise wedding ever?
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Friends and family were waiting for the surprised groom with banners and posters saying “You are getting married!”
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Friends and family helped Eleni plan her suprise wedding and it was definitely not an easy task. She had to secretly make all decisions without her fiance knowing. The hard part was telling friends and family about her idea. She actually recorded everytime she announced her “surpise wedding” to captured the stunned reactions of her family and friends. She creatively made a video presentation of all the individual recordings and showed it all the guests during the rehearsal dinner.
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
After months of planning … the big day arrived! George was under the impression that he and Eleni were going on a weekend vacation to Mt. Pelio… Not knowing of course that 140 wedding guests were there waiting for him for the 3 day wedding celebration to begin! The surprise wedding would take place on that Sunday! As you see from the photos… this was the surprise of his life!!!
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
The bride shared with us: “We both arrived at the village for the weekend. And there they were, our friends and family waiting there for us with huge banners “YOU ARE GETTING MARRIED”. I get so emotional thinking about it now… Everything that was happening at that moment was a huge shock for George. From what he told me, his eyes got blurred and from that point he could only see figures of people so he sat down and cried a little bit out of joy and surprise. Then he started hugging… laughing and tearing as we were explaining everything to him! He was asking about everything! He started calling all of his friends and asking them if they knew about the surprise wedding!”
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
“George just couldn’t believe all of this… he just couldn’t believe it and kept asking “Is this all for me?”
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
As the bride shared with us her story: “At some point during the summer, I just decided spontaneously that I wanted to change my life. I decided to do something and move forward in my life to improve it. Make some changes! Thinking of the years that passed, I realized that the last four years, George played a signifincant role in my life… As I thought of him, I smiled because I realized that he hasn’t made me ever cry … not even once. How could that be? Well… if you knew George you can easily understand why. I remembered the answer he gave me when I asked him why does he love me even though I have so many troubles… He said that he is waiting for me to become the real me…”
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
“I read somewhere that “happiness is a choice”… and that is when it clicked in my mind. I decided I wanted to be happy and instead of myself to put someone else above everything… and that was George. The only person that truly deserved the best gift from the new Eleni. I knew that George wanted nothing more in the world than to start a family. That would be my gift to him and to myself … Even though I was terrified of getting married I jumped into the wedding planning process and made sure George would not find anything until the wedding day…”
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
“Our surprise wedding took place in the beautiful village of Vyzitsa in Mt. Pelion in Greece. I secretly went off one day and visited a lot of places in Pelion in the search of the perfect setting that I had imagined and in the end I found it: A small village with a scenic little chapel, a lot of natural light, warm people, a huge and beautiful outdoor space for the wedding reception in the center of the village”.
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
Wedding Photographer : C & P Sofikitis
I truly hoped you enjoyed this unique wedding… the most amazing surprise wedding ever!
This is such an amazing story!
This is so cute!
So touched by this wedding! XxX
Wow that is a surprise! Lovely story and a beautiful wedding. Sam x
Wow! How romantic and what a surprise! Loved it!